Info Lowongan Kerja Summarecon – Bekerja merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan kesadaran manusia untuk mencapai hasil yang sesuai dengan harapan dan impiannya. Kesadaran untuk menjalankan aktivitas serta memahami tujuan yang ingin dicapai merupakan hal penting dalam bekerja. Pekerjaan juga sangat penting bagi manusia, karena dengan bekerja manusia dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-harinya.
Selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, manusia juga bekerja untuk mendapatkan rasa aman, mencari kepuasan, dan mengaktualisasikan diri dalam bekerja. Maka dari itu dibentuklah sebuah website yang bernama yang akan selalu berusaha memberikan informasi lowongan kerja terupdate agar bisa membantu para jobseker untuk segera mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan jenjang pendidikannya.
Info Lowongan Kerja PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (Summarecon)
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru bulan Mei 2022 kali ini datang dari PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (Summarecon) didirikan pada tahun 1975 oleh Bapak Soetjipto Nagaria dan rekan-rekannya untuk melakukan pembangunan dan pengembangan real estat. Dimulai dengan lahan rawa seluas 10 hektar di daerah terpencil Jakarta, para pendiri berhasil mengubah Kelapa Gading menjadi salah satu kawasan perumahan dan komersial paling makmur di Jakarta. Dan selama bertahun-tahun Summarecon telah membangun reputasi sebagai salah satu pemain properti terkemuka di Indonesia, terutama dalam pengembangan kota mandiri. Saat ini PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (Summarecon) sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Officer – SafetyÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma (D3) in any majorÂ
- Minimum 1 years experience in same positionÂ
- Have certificate of AK3U is a mustÂ
- Proficient with Computer and Ms. OfficeÂ
- Willing to work in SerpongÂ
Responsibilities :
- Responsible for all implementation of K3 activities, facilities and infrastructure of building safety and ensure its feasibility and supervise work related to occupational health safety (K3)Â
2. Officer – EngineeringÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma (D3) in any majorÂ
- Minimum 1 years experience in same positionÂ
- Have preventative, corrective, correction maintenance skillÂ
- Proficient with Computer and Ms. OfficeÂ
- Willing to work in SerpongÂ
Responsibilities :
- Preventative, corrective, maintenance in the building, manage all Engineering (shift) for the operation
3. Officer – Tenant RelationÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma (D3) in any majorÂ
- Minimum 1 years experience in same positionÂ
- Have experience in handling complainÂ
- Proficient with Computer and Ms. OfficeÂ
- Willing to work in BekasiÂ
Responsibilities :
- Handling complain, maintain relationship with tenantsÂ
4. Officer – Finance & AccountingÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma (D3) in any majorÂ
- Minimum 1 years experience in same positionÂ
- Familiar with bank reconciliation and accounting systemÂ
- Proficient with Computer and Ms. OfficeÂ
- Willing to work in BekasiÂ
Responsibilities :
- Create a bank reconciliation, tax reports, journal transaction and support data to all department for purposes of the final financial reportÂ
5. Technician (Civil)Â
Requirements :
- Minimum Senior High School in EngineeringÂ
- Minimum 1 years experience in same positionÂ
- Have experience in Civil Engineering Apartment/Office BuildingÂ
- Willing to work in Bekasi, SerpongÂ
Responsibilities :
- Preventative, corrective, maintenance in the buildingÂ
6. Coordinator – HR & GAÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma (D3) in any fieldÂ
- Minimum 2 years experience in same positionÂ
- Understand the job cycle of Personel, Employment Law, and maintenance of assets
- Willing to work in Kelapa GadingÂ
Responsibilities :
- Responsible for the implementation of the function of HR & GA in business unit, handle HR & GA problems that occured in the business unit in accordance with existing rules and regulationÂ
7. Coordinator – Tenant RelationÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma (D3) in any fieldÂ
- Minimum 2 years experience in same positionÂ
- Have experience in handling complainÂ
- Willing to work in SerpongÂ
Responsibilities :
- Ensure all complain from tenants can be resolved, maintain relationship with tenantsÂ
8. Coordinator – EngineeringÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma (D3) in any fieldÂ
- Minimum 2 years experience in same positionÂ
- Have preventative, corrective, maintenance skill and understand procedure for emergency plan in engineering apartment
- Willing to work in SerpongÂ
Responsibilities :
- Planning, managing, monitoring, controlling, evaluating and providing completion recommendation for operational process with in the scope of maintenance activities, manage all Engineering operations in the buildingÂ
9. Chief OperationÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree from any field
- Minimum 3 years experience in same position for ApartmentÂ
- Good communicationÂ
- Proficient with English and Ms. OfficeÂ
- Experienced in managing operational Residential propertiesÂ
- Willing to work in SerpongÂ
Responsibilities :
- Handle operational of assigned Residential properties to satisfy the requirements of ownership and tenants (Engineering, Tenant Relation, Housekeeping & Security)Â
10. Chief Tenant RelationÂ
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree from any field
- Minimum 3 years experience in same position for ApartmentÂ
- Good communicationÂ
- Proficient with English and Ms. OfficeÂ
- Experience in managing complain from tenant
- Willing to work in Bekasi
Responsibilities :
- Ensure all complain from tenants can be resolved, maintain relationship with tenants, monitor the operation of tenant relationÂ
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja SMA/SMK Sederajat Posisi Lainnya
Cara Daftar:
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