Info Lowongan Kerja TRANS7Â – Bekerja merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan kesadaran manusia untuk mencapai hasil yang sesuai dengan harapan dan impiannya. Kesadaran untuk menjalankan aktivitas serta memahami tujuan yang ingin dicapai merupakan hal penting dalam bekerja. Pekerjaan juga sangat penting bagi manusia, karena dengan bekerja manusia dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-harinya.
Selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, manusia juga bekerja untuk mendapatkan rasa aman, mencari kepuasan, dan mengaktualisasikan diri dalam bekerja. Maka dari itu dibentuklah sebuah website yang bernama yang akan selalu berusaha memberikan informasi lowongan kerja terupdate agar bisa membantu para jobseker untuk segera mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan jenjang pendidikannya.
Info Lowongan Kerja PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS7)
Lowongan Kerja terbaru bulan Juli 2022 kali ini bersumber dari PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS7) merupakan salah satu stasiun televisis swasta yang ada di Indonesia, berdiri pada tanggal 22 Maret 2000 dengan nama awal yaitu TV7 yang diumumkan dalam Tambahan Berita Negara Nomor 8687 Tahun 2001 pada 28 Desember 2001 sebagai PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh lalu dengan seiring berjalannya waktu pada 4 Agustus 2006 Kelompok Kompas Gramedia membangun hubungan kerjasama strategis dengan CT Corp dan sejak itu nama TV7 berubah menjadi TRANS7 dan saat ini Trans7 telah resmi beroperasi berdasarkan dari Izin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran Nomor 1820 Tahun 2016 tanggal 13 Oktober 2016 yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi & Informatika Republik Indonesia, sebagai bagian dari kelompok media yang berada dalam naungan CT Corp.  Saat ini PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS7) sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Account Executive
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Marketing and Business
- Minumum GPA 3.00
- Having good ability in presentation and negotiation skill
- Have an experience minimum 1 year in the same field
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment
2. Accounting
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree from Accounting
- Minimum 2 years experience in the same field
- Have Brevet Tax Certification is an advantage
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast-paced environment
- Having good interpersonal skill
3. Administration
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major
- Hands-on experience with Microsoft Office applications
- Strong attention to detail.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic
4. Big Data Analyst
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree from any major
- Interested in interpreting data and observing social media
- Familiar with database query
- Experience with Python and/or R for data analysis is a plus
- Have a strong analytical thinking
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic
5. Camera Person
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Broadcasting or Journalistic
- Have knowledge & skill of Camera Standard Operation Procedure
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic
6. Creative
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Broadcast or Communication.
- Minimum 1 year experience in TV Production or related area
- Able to bring creative ideas to live on screen
- Excellent written & verbal communication skills
- Must be a self-starter that enjoys working collaboratively
- Able to work to tight deadlines
7. Fashion Stylist
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major
- Experience in fashion styling minimum 2 years
- Having good knowledge of fashion trends, good color, and design sense
- Creative and having good communication skills to present ideas and concepts
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic
8. Implementer
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree from any major
- Having negotiation skill and ability to build effective communication
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment
9. Information Technology
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Information Technology
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Have a good skill in IT programming, network, hardware, or front end
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment
- Have an experience minimum 1 year in the same field
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
10. Make Up
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any major
- Having good knowledge of hairdressing and makeup artistry
- Preferably have some experiences as a makeup artist or hair stylist
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Able to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic
11. Media Planner
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree from any major
- Have good knowledge of current marketing trends and multimedia platforms
- Have a good knowledge of market research techniques and databases
- Excellent knowledge of MS Office
12. MMIS
Qualifications :
- Diploma/Bachelor Degree from any major
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Have a good skill in Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw
- Have a good communication and interpersonal skill
13. On Air Presentation
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any major, preferably from Engineering
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Good communication skill, initiative, have good analysis skill, and able to work in a team
- Willing to work in shift
- Assertive, energetic, Having Ability to work in fast paced environment
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skills
14. Production Assistant
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major
- Interested in television program production
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic
15. Program Development & Creative
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Communication or Broadcast
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Strong analytical thinking and passion in research
- Interested in interpreting data and observing TV programs
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skill
16. Public Relations
Qualifications :
- Diploma or bachelor degree from any major preferably from Communication
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment
- Good communication skill, energetic, and able to work under pressure
17. QN. Market Research
Qualifications :
- Bachelor degree from any majors, preferably from Science or Statistic.
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Have an experience in research is an advantage
- Have good analytical thinking and passion in research
- Having good interpersonal and communicarion skills
18. Recruitment
Qualifications :
- Bachelor or Master Degree in Psychology
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Have a good understanding of psychological tools and recruitment methodology
- Good analytical thinking
- Have an experince on recruitment minimum 1 year is an advantage
- Assertive, energetic, able to work in fast paced environment
19. Reporter
Qualifications :
- Bachelor degree from any major
- Highly interested in journalism and proficient in English
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic
20. Social Media
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Communication
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Hands-on experience with Social Media campaign
- Interest in social media activity
- Energetic and eagar to tackle new ideas
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skills
21. Training
Qualifications :
- Bachelor degree from any majors
- Min. GPA 3.00
- Having passion for people development
- Have an experince minimum 2 years in training and development is an advatage
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast-paced environment
- Having Good Interpersonal and Communication Skills
22. Unit Talent
Qualifications :
- Diploma/Bachelor Degree from any major
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Having good interpersonal and negotiation skill
- Have an experience in the same field is an advantage
23. Video Editor
Qualifications :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Information Technology/Broadcasting
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Have basic skill and knowledge of editing
- Willing to work in shifts
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Lulusan D3 Posisi Lainnya
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Batas akhir pendaftaran 30 Desember 2022
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