BerandaLOKER D3Lowongan Kerja PT Murinda Iron Steel | 14 Posisi

Lowongan Kerja PT Murinda Iron Steel | 14 Posisi

Lowongan Kerja PT Murinda Iron Steel. Untuk bisa bekerja di perusahaan impian, kita membutuhkan usaha keras dan perjuangan tiada henti. Apa lagi jika perusahaan yang kita impikan merupakan salah satu perusahaan bonafit, tentu akan banyak persaingan untuk bisa masuk keperusahaan tersebut. selalu berusaha untuk menjadi yang terdepan dalam menginformasikan informasi lowongan kerja. Kami juga terus berupaya untuk selalu menginformasikan Lowongan Kerja SMA/SMK, Lowongan Kerja D3, Lowongan Kerja S1, bahkan informasi lowongan kerja untuk professional baik dari Swasta maupun BUMN secara up to date.

Lowongan Kerja PT Murinda Iron Steel

Lowongan Kerja terbaru bulan September 2020 kali ini bersumber dari PT Murinda Iron Steel adalah pemimpin dalam konstruksi. Operasinya di kontraktor umum dan struktur baja dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Untuk memberikan kualitas dan nilai kepada pelanggan, sudah menjadi tradisi Murinda untuk bertanggung jawab mendekati mitra bisnis. PT Murinda Iron Steel fokus pada operasi dan inovasi yang efisien, serta keterampilan untuk mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif melalui siklus bisnis. Sebagai salah satu kontraktor umum dan struktur baja terbesar di Indonesia, Murinda telah terlibat dalam berbagai proyek, seperti hotel, apartemen, gedung perkantoran, rumah sakit dan pusat kesehatan, pusat perbelanjaan dan pusat perdagangan, perumahan, pabrik, fasilitas pendidikan, pabrik kimia, gedung bandara, terminal dan hanggar, pembangkit listrik, pabrik industri, jembatan, dan bangunan komersial lainnya. PT Murinda Iron Steel berbagi teknologi inovatif, memberikan peluang kerja, dan mempertahankan beberapa standar industri tertinggi di dunia. Saat ini PT Murinda Iron Steel  sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :

1. Project Manager (PM)

Qualification :

  • Bachelor degree (S1) i civil engineering or architectre
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

2. Site Engineer (SE)

Qualification :

  • Bachelor degree (S1) i civil engineering or architectre
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

3. Site Coordinator (SC)

Qualification :

  • Bachelor degree (S1) i civil engineering or architectre
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

4. Quantity Surveyor (CS)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in civil engineering or architecture
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

5. Estimator (EST)

Qualifcation :

  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in civil engineering or architecture
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

6. QC Inspector (QC)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in civil engineering or architecture
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

7. Drafter (DFT)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Technical high school
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

8. Safety Inspector (SI)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in civil engineering or architecture
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate
  • Having safety certificate

9. Administration (ADM)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in economy
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

10. Mechanic (MEC)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Technical high school
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

11. Electrician (ELC)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Technical high school
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

12. Document Control (DC)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Technical high school
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

13. Supervisor (SPV)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma (D3) in civil engineering or architecture
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

14. Warehouse Storekeeper (STR)

Qualification :

  • Minimum Technical high school
  • High motivated person and leadership skill
  • Strong communication excellent organization and able to work as team
  • Having experience minimum 5 years
  • English fluent and computer literate

Cara Daftar:

  • Jika kalian memiliki minat atau ingin bekerja di posisi diatas serta memiliki kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan PT Murinda Iron Steel silahkan kirim berkas lamara kalian ke alamat :
  • Personnel Manager
    PT Murinda Iron Stell
    15 FI, Permata Kuningan Building
    Jalan Kuningan Mulia Kav.9C
    Jakarta 12980, Indonesia
    Phone : (+6221) 28546000 Fax : (+6221) 28546001
    Email :


  • Lowongan Kerja yang tersedia ini tidak dipungut biaya sepeserpun, atau bisa di bilang gratis
  • Yang akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya hanya untuk pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi atau persyaratan

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