PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk adalah produsen produk susu dan minuman Aseptik/UHT terkemuka di Indonesia, didirikan pada tahun 1975. PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Co. Tbk berkantor pusat di kota Bandung dan telah mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta.
Dengan kehadiran yang kuat dalam kategori Susu UHT dan Teh RTD serta merek-merek terkemuka seperti Ultra Milk dan Teh Kotak, perusahaan ini mendominasi segmen pasar masing-masing. Ultrajaya juga memproduksi dan memasarkan Susu Kental Manis dan memiliki lini Minuman Kesehatan yang berkembang pesat termasuk Sari Asem Asli dan Sari Kacang Ijo.
Sebagai pionir dalam industri Ultrajaya selalu menjadi motor penggerak pertumbuhan kategori susu cair di Indonesia dan perusahaan serta karyawannya berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dengan hanya menyediakan susu berkualitas terbaik yang dihasilkan. oleh sapi dari peternakan Ultrajaya sendiri.
Pada tahun 2014 Ultrajaya mengumumkan usaha patungan dengan produsen minuman Jepang ITO EN untuk membentuk ITO EN ULTRAJAYA di Jakarta dengan tujuan menggabungkan teh Jepang terbaik dengan kekuatan pemasaran dan distribusi Ultrajaya di Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk
Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk terbaru, pastikan anda membaca dengan teliti setiap persyaratan melamar kerja yang dibutuhkan agar peluang di terima kerja lebih besar, untuk selengkapnya dibawah ini:
1. Workshop & Building Technician
Responsibilities :
- Conducting repair and maintenance processes for mechanical and electrical systems within the utility building area.
- Preparing equipment and conducting maintenance on cooling systems, air conditioning, air handling units, office equipment, plumbing, fire alarms, and hydrants according to the established schedule.
- Completing work orders within the agreed-upon timeframe.
- Assisting production engineering in creating spare parts and implementing other improvements.
- Recording spare parts usage, checking inventory of used spare parts, and monitoring the condition of critical parts in the utility area.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor or Diploma Degree or SMK in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering. Mechatronics Engineering.
- Min. 2 years of experience as an Engineer or Technician.
- Good understanding of refrigeration systems, pumps, and piping systems.
- Good understanding of Preventive Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance principles.
- Good knowledge of types, functions, and operating procedures for tooling
2. Electrical Technician
Responsibilities :
- Conducting repairs, maintenance, and upkeep on production machinery’s electrical systems, including wiring and control panels.
- Assisting in the installation and modification of lighting, electrical systems, and controls for production machinery.
- Performing preventive maintenance on the control room.
- Completing work orders within the agreed-upon timeframe.
- Monitoring the condition and status of electrical equipment such as motors, inverters, sensors, transformers, capacitor banks, MCC panels, and others.
- Possessing a strong understanding of electrical troubleshooting.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor or Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, or Mechatronics.
- Min. 2 years of experience as an electrician specializing in power systems, low-voltage systems, and automation control systems.
- Demonstrated expertise in industrial electrical systems, including wiring diagrams. PLC, SCADA and control panel maintenance.
- Possession of relevant electrical safety qualifications is highly desirable.
3. Production Operator
Responsibilities :
- Executing production activities in strict
- adherence to Standard Operating Procedures.
- Ensuring all workplace activities comply with Standard Safety and Quality guidelines.
- Operating machinery and equipment used in UHT product manufacturing.
- Maintaining a clean and organized workspace.
- Monitoring production equipment and promptly reporting any deviations, product quality issues, or other anomalies to the supervisor.
- Actively participating in routine maintenance and equipment cleaning.
- Completing all required production. documentation accurately and comprehensively.
- Collaborating with team members to meet production targets and deadlines.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor or Diploma Degree any major.
- Min. 1 year experience in food or beverage manufacturing (prior experience as a production operator in UHT processing is a plus).
- Flexible to work rotating shifts.
- Team players with exceptional communication skills.
- Computer savvy (Oracle, HRIS, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint)
4. In Line Inspector & Validator Operator
Responsibilities :
- Continuously monitor critical production process parameters such as temperature, pressure, time. and product flow rate.
- Collect product samples at critical control points throughout the production process for subsequent testing
- Conduct rapid tests on product quality parameters including pH, temperature, protein content, and fat content.
- Analyze test results and compare them against established specifications.
- Adjust production process parameters as needed to maintain compliance with specifications.
- Generate daily or periodic reports summarizing monitoring and testing results.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree in Food Technology, Chemical Engineering or related field.
- Min. 1 year of experience in food & beverage industry. preferably in the dairy industry.
- Proven work experience in the food industry, specifically in production processes from preparation to mixing and finished goods.
- Good Knowledge of basic cleaning principles, both CIP and COP.
- Strong understanding of food safety and quality assurance principles.
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Lulusan D3 Posisi Lainnya
Cara Daftar:
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Subject Email : Posisi – Nama
Batas akhir pendaftaran 30 November 2024
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