BerandaLOKER D3Lowongan Kerja PT Sutrakabel Intimandiri | 9 Posisi Tersedia

Lowongan Kerja PT Sutrakabel Intimandiri | 9 Posisi Tersedia

Lowongan Kerja PT Sutrakabel Intimandiri. Untuk bisa bekerja di perusahaan impian, kita membutuhkan usaha keras dan perjuangan tiada henti. Apa lagi jika perusahaan yang kita impikan merupakan salah satu perusahaan bonafit, tentu akan banyak persaingan untuk bisa masuk keperusahaan tersebut. selalu berusaha untuk menjadi yang terdepan dalam menginformasikan informasi lowongan kerja. Kami juga terus berupaya untuk selalu menginformasikan Lowongan Kerja SMA/SMK, Lowongan Kerja D3, Lowongan Kerja S1, bahkan informasi lowongan kerja untuk professional baik dari Swasta maupun BUMN secara up to date.

Lowongan Kerja PT Sutrakabel Intimandiri Agustus 2020

Lowongan kerja terbaru bulan Agustus 2020 kali ini bersumber dari PT Sutrakabel Intimandiri atau SUTRADO Kabel merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi beragam jenis kabel listrik dengan kualitas tinggi dengan service purna jual terdepan dan SUTRADO Kabel juga telah mendapatkan sertifikat dari beberapa standar mutu baik domestik maupun internasional. Berikut adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Sutrakabel Intimandiri, simak dengan teliti agar tidak ada kesalahan pada saat melaukan pendaftaran :

1. Site Manager

Qualification :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Have experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 10 years.
  • Able to manage maintenance and coordinate for repairing work.
  • Have knowledge and ability to manage safety in maintenance workable to organize/control/categorize digital data (mail, documents, excel, presentation) and hard copy documents.
  • Proficient in English speaking.
  • Preferably holding certificate in OHSA (occupational health and safety) or equivalent. Minimum has been trained as safety officer.
  • Able to analyze machine problems.
  • Able to make work procedures to solve machine problems.
  • Able to create monthly report

2. Administration

Qualification :

  • Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Have experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 1 years.
  • Preparing for manpower checklist availability.
  • Proficient in English speaking.
  • Able to create monthly report and coordinate with Electric Site Manager.

3. Safety Officer

Qualification :

  • Have experience become safety office minimum 5 years.
  • Have certificate for K3 from gevernment.
  • Able to create safety monthly report and coordinate with Electric Site Manager.

4. Drafter

Qualification :

  • Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Have experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 1 year.
  • Able to use Auotcad.
  • Checking and update drawing of panels follow the IEC standard.

5. Supervisor

Qualification :

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Have experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 5 years.
  • Responsible to supervision of Inspector and preventive team to get same goal achievement.
  • Responsible to reduce loss time in area.
  • Have acknowledged certificate from government or training center, such as : K3 Electrical, Maintenance training, etc..
  • Manage contractor subordinate and coordinate with Dept Head of area.

6. Planning & Scheduling

Qualification :

  • Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Has experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 2 years.
  • Able to plan and analyze job problem.
  • Have knowledge and ability ro manage safety in maintenance work.
  • Have the ability to access resources for repairing work and plane in an appropriate time frame.
  • Able to control and approve design in accordance with engineering standard.
  • Willing to be placed in Cikarang

7. Electrical Inspector

Qualification :

  • Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Have experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 5 years.
  • Have ability to analyze machine problem.
  • Finding equipment possibility to failure and reporting to Planner everyday.
  • Able to create daily finding report.
  • Willing to be placed in Cikarang

8. Electrical Preventive

Qualification :

  • Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Have experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 2 years.
  • Have ability to analyze machine problem.
  • Have ability to perform maintenance job as mentioned in scope of responsibility.
  • Able to create daily report activity.
  • Able to use electrical tools, such as : Multimeter, Calibration Injector, etc.
  • Willing to be placed in Cikarang

9. Helper

Qualification :

  • Graduated from STM / Technical school grade 12.
  • Have experience in Electrical Maintenance work minimum 2 years.
  • Helping team for heavy maintenance or installation.
  • Able to use welding machine and fabrication tools.
  • Able to install equipment based on scope of responsibilty, such as : Installation of cable tray, replacing motor, replacing bearing, cleaning cable, etc.
  • Reporting to Electrical Prevetive for daily activity.
  • Willing to be placed in Cikarang

Cara Daftar:
Jika kalian memiliki minat atau ingin bekerja di posisi diatas serta memiliki kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan perusahaan silahkan daftarkan diri kalian dengan cara :

  • Kirim CV dan surat lamaran anda melalui email berikut : dengan subject email sesuai dengan posisi yang dilamar


  • Lowongan Kerja yang tersedia ini tidak dipungut biaya sepeserpun, atau bisa di bilang gratis
  • Yang akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya hanya untuk pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi atau persyaratan
  • Batas akhir pendaftaran 28 Agustus 2020

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